
Historians come together to uncover disturbing aspects of Polish and Eastern European shared history.

War in Ukraine spurs new bonds between historians of shared Soviet past


As Russian dissidents flee to Poland, this moment has created an unexpected opportunity for historians in both countries to work together to uncover the more disturbing aspects of their shared history.

The monument to “Iron Felix” Dzerzhinsky, the founder and patron saint of the Soviet secret police.

In the removal of a Soviet symbol of oppression, Russians see lessons for the US


One year later, remembering the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting

The World

Why Mary Wollstonecraft was an 18th century feminist rock star

Faced with western sanctions, the Kremlin has pushed for a renewed sense of patriotism among younger Russians. At the National Unity Day celebrations in Moscow, students sport buttons that read, "An attack on Russia is an attack on me."

Human rights group Memorial is too ‘inconvenient’ for Putin’s new Russia

Global Politics